Exploring Liteverse.io: The first NFT marketplace on the Litecoin network with my first collection dedicated to the Mighty Mia Event #dancingforjoy + Quick Sign up and funding tutorial

As one true OG  Litecoin   enthusiast, I wanted to test the site, or better, the NFT marketplace  Liteverse.io  since its launch in 2022. At first, I claimed Litecoin Summit collectors NFT. But, for several reasons, the test of minting my first NFT got a bit delayed. But now I finally have the time and the need to make use of it for a larger cause. I am sad I procrastinated a little. As it would have been a great honor to be the first one to give it a try, but given my lack of technical skills to use just code to mint outside of a marketplace, waiting was a great idea since the site is super user-friendly and it's quality has improved considerably. I would say Liteverse.io is ready for the mainstream. Minting on it or acquiring an NFT on the Litecoin network is now a Piece of cake! In this article I will describe my experience, the reason why my first series of NFTs was created, and most importantly the advantages and disadvantages of creating an nft (Non-fungible To...

Mommin' It Monday - Stream 32 - Crypto News Feb 8th, 2021

I was so excited to see Lisa and everyone in our Mommin' It Monday today. I am not sure if it is because I missed the stream last week or if it was because of the bull run, but I could not wait to get together with all my crypto magic friends. You all are the best, and I feel so lucky to have this community to be a part of. 

Before getting straight into the news I just wanted to express my deep gratitude for everything that is going on around us. Bitcoin for me is hope for a better world and when I see how far we have come, truly; there is no way to not be emotional. Knowledge is power and I thank you for everything you shared with me. I learn a lot from ALL OF YOU. Decentralization is all about feedback, and listening to each other with an open and understanding heart. It is all about adequately sharing those potatoes chips (If you watch Andreas Antonopoulos you probably know what I am talking about)

Anyhow, It is time to get to the good stuff. Watch the stream right below.

 Also Find below a link to VOTE for me as @Lbry creator of the week on discord. It is a little tricky to actually vote, but if you are already a verified content creator and really willing it shall be easy. 

You will also find next links to all the topics we discussed on the Live today.

1. Elon must puts $1.5billion of Tesla's funds into Bitcoin - Check Tesla Finacial Report: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001318605/000156459021004599/tsla-10k_20201231.htm

2. Tiktok throws down challenge to Facebook with US ecommerce plans - https://bitcoin.cartel.click/tiktok-throws-down-challenge-to-facebook-with-us-ecommerce-plans/

3. ELON MUSK DOGECOIN COULD BE THE FUTURE, BUT ... Beware Tides of Crypto!!! - https://www.tmz.com/2021/02/06/elon-musk-says-dogecoin-is-the-future-of-cryptocurrency/ (Mammycrypto  -HIGHLIGHTING ON TMZ)

4. Central Banks Edge Toward Money’s Next Frontier in Digital World - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-05/central-banks-edge-toward-money-s-next-frontier-in-digital-world?sref=bNrFkV3k

6. India's Central Bank RBI Close to Digital Currency Decision as Paypal Exits Indian Payments Market - https://news.bitcoin.com/india-central-bank-rbi-digital-currency-paypal-exits-indian-payments-market/

Thank you so much for being here! Watch the stream until the end and you shall see my Bitcoin Bull Dance (PS Not that charming I must say but hey we hit another ATH during the stream and we must celebrate somehow!). 

Keep it up Bulls, looks like we are in for the ride of our lives.

All my best
Michelle M


Social Media links: https://cointr.ee/mammycrypto



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