Exploring Liteverse.io: The first NFT marketplace on the Litecoin network with my first collection dedicated to the Mighty Mia Event #dancingforjoy + Quick Sign up and funding tutorial

As one true OG  Litecoin   enthusiast, I wanted to test the site, or better, the NFT marketplace  Liteverse.io  since its launch in 2022. At first, I claimed Litecoin Summit collectors NFT. But, for several reasons, the test of minting my first NFT got a bit delayed. But now I finally have the time and the need to make use of it for a larger cause. I am sad I procrastinated a little. As it would have been a great honor to be the first one to give it a try, but given my lack of technical skills to use just code to mint outside of a marketplace, waiting was a great idea since the site is super user-friendly and it's quality has improved considerably. I would say Liteverse.io is ready for the mainstream. Minting on it or acquiring an NFT on the Litecoin network is now a Piece of cake! In this article I will describe my experience, the reason why my first series of NFTs was created, and most importantly the advantages and disadvantages of creating an nft (Non-fungible To...

LBRY Rewards - Tutorial 2 Portuguese (Como Receber Recompensas)

It is truly great that LBRY Platform gives every user a head start by distributing LBC rewards daily. Anyone can earn LBC tokens for watching content within the platform.  Since we are not sure how long LBC rewards incentives will last it is always a good idea to join in early be part of this revolutionary experience and of course accumulate LBC tokens. At the end of this article we showcase an image with LBRY Rewards examples

I also want to make sure that Portuguese speakers get to know the platform, or better, the protocol sooner rather than later. And since the app is not available in many languages  as of yet, I think this type of tutorials can guide Brazilians and other Portuguese speaking users navigate within the platform.

Wether you intend to use the platform simply to watch your favorite content or you want to join in to post your content, the rewards are there and available to you to help you start. For viewers rewards can be used to tip and support your favorite creators, or funds can be withdrawn for LBRY verified accounts. For content creators rewards can help fund the first batch of publications and further rewards can be staked to help boost the channel or a video into popularity. I will make sure to teach you all the ins and outs of how to do all that in the next few tutorials as well. But for now I will make sure to teach you in Portuguese how to locate and claim your LBRY Rewards.

Video Link: https://open.lbry.com/@mamãecrypto:a/Como-receber-recompensas-na-LBRY--LBC-tokens:e?r=6qPs6gfzKMWZKwyJh18FmVQ9VXHpfKav

Watch NOW below - Video Abaixo

É realmente ótimo que a plataforma do LBRY da para cada usuário um incentivo para começar, distribuindo recompensas LBC diariamente. Qualquer pessoa pode ganhar recompensas de (token) moedas LBC por assistir conteúdo dentro da plataforma, ou melhor procólo. Como não temos certeza de quanto tempo os incentivos em LBC vão durar, é sempre uma boa ideia fazer parte dessa experiência revolucionária e, é claro, acumular tokens LBC.

Quero ter certeza que os brasileiros tenham a oportunidade de conhecer o protocolo o mais rápido possível. E como o aplicativo ainda não está disponível em vários idiomas, acho que esse tipo de tutorial pode guiar brasileiros e outros usuários que falam português a navegar na plataforma.

Exemplos de Rewards (Recompensa)

Se você pretende usar a plataforma simplesmente para assistir ao seu conteúdo favorito ou deseja participar para publicar seu conteúdo,  saiba que as recompensas existem e estão disponíveis para ajudá-lo a começar. Para os espectadores, as recompensas podem ser usadas para apoiar seus criadores de conteúdo favoritos ou os fundos em LBC podem  também ser sacados para contas verificadas pelo LBRY. Para os criadores de conteúdo, as recompensas podem ajudar a financiar o primeiro lote de publicações e outras recompensas que virão podem ser usadas para a aumentar a popularidade do canal ou do vídeo através de staking chamado de suporte. Certificarei-me de ensinar todos os detalhes de como fazer tudo isso nos próximos tutoriais também. Mas, por enquanto, tive o prazer de ensinar em português como localizar e reivindicar seus LBRY Rewards. Espero que tenha gostado do vídeo e se inscreva no canal para mais tutorias e outras dicas.

Ganhe 15 LBC usando o LBRY Link do convite: lbry.tv/$/invite/@mamãecrypto:a
Inscreva-se no canal para obter mais tutoriais sobre o LBRY.

Earn 15 LBC using LBRY Invitation link: lbry.tv/$/invite/@mammycrypto:c

Subscribe to the Channel for more LBRY tutorials.

All my best
Tudo de bom
Michelle M
LBRY Portugues: lbry.tv/@mamãecrypto:a
LBRY Englis: lbry.tv/@mammycrypto:c
Shop: CryptoPopBazaar 



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My opinions are simply my opinions and not investment advice. I strongly recommend everyone investing or looking to earn or acquire cryptocurrencies to do their own research and get very educated about risks and security before acquiring, earning or investing. The content in this blog/ website is not investment advice. Please note that this web site also features sponsored content and referral affiliate links. Which means that when you click on some links and sign up for a product or service I may receive I small commission or credit for the referral. Most the the links also will give you an invite incentive that most often you would not receive if you do not use a referral invite link.


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