It has been about 3 months since I joined the decentralized Creary platform and slowly I have been adding my art work into their site. I am also having a lot of fun Curating other's artists work. So many great inspiring artists there, from painting, drawing and sculpture all the way to digital art. Trying new blockchain projects is my thing, and today I will showcase my experience with and my most recent published art work. It is one piece from my OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE SERIES. This piece I drawn many, many years ago and it still standing in my wall adorning my living room.
Obsessive Compulsive 1 Curve - Series
Black ink on paper
Michelle Mafra
Obsessive Compulsive Series are works of mine that were created in the course of my lifetime. From childhood an obsessive behavior that consists of drawing little circles, pen strokes and patterns that became a life habit. My school notebooks were filled with pages with geometric and decorative drawings that relaxed me during long lectures and still relaxes me when I do get a chance to indulge in self fulfilling project. The designs have developed a nuance of their own and have changed over the years. I may go 2 to 5 years without producing one or and may gro thru a phase of making a bunch. No matter what you will see little circles in very little note that I have in my office as I tend to draw them everywhere. It happens a lot when I am on the phone and have a pen in my hand for example. I always get a sense I will come back to craft more of these when my life pauses just a bit. For now I am in the process of photographing the ones I kept as I often gave them to friends and classmates. Truly an obsessive compulsive behavior that I been carrying all along
If you get a chance, curate my work on Creary following this link: It is free and I will certainly appreciate your effort.
Now let's talk about Creary.
I stumbled upon CREARY while reading an article, and was instantly drawn to this young decentralized platform of 7000 users today.

I had many artworks I created over the years that I keep in the closet, bins (with the exception of few pieces hanging on my walls). The idea of rubbing the dust off each piece and giving it some love came to light, especially knowing that my work will be recorded forever in the blockchain.
I also get a chance of touching people some way or another thru my work. At the same time I get support this decentralized project that is in its infancy but that I personally think is quite revolutionary.
So let me introduce you to Creary:
"Creary is the social network of creative portfolios based on the blockchain that rewards authors and curators. In Creary, authors can register the copyright of a creation and distribute their work directly to their fans."
Similar to Steemit, artists can publish their portfolio of creative works in a public and transparent network and in a variety of mediums. The platform enables artists to create a community of followers that will curate and appreciate the works published. All users receive rewards for their participation, both authors and curators for their received and given votes. Users get rewarded in crypto currencies (CREA) that can be then converted into cash.
The Creary platform also enable authors to sell their creative portfolio (Downloads) directly to followers without any commissions paid to Creary. A decentralized platform uniting artists and curators.
In addition, the platform also enable authors to register and copyright their work into the blockchain.
According to their main page: "Creary offers a public and transparent alternative of intellectual property registration making intelligent use of the revolutionary distributed blockchain technology. The platform automatically creates incorruptible timestamps that issue a certificate of authorship and a distribution license for any digital work. This feature automatically protects the work of artists, designers, and multimedia creatives who share their works on the platform."
My earnings so far
Please note that all your support is appreciated! A like and a follow gives me a small push to continue in this incredible journey of sharing my thoughts!
By: Michelle Mafra (MamãeCrypto)
Youtube: @Mamaecrypto
Twitter: @Miximports
Facebook: @Mamaecrypto
Medium: @Mamaecrypto
Steemit: @Mamaecrypto
Creary: @Mix