Exploring Liteverse.io: The first NFT marketplace on the Litecoin network with my first collection dedicated to the Mighty Mia Event #dancingforjoy + Quick Sign up and funding tutorial

As one true OG  Litecoin   enthusiast, I wanted to test the site, or better, the NFT marketplace  Liteverse.io  since its launch in 2022. At first, I claimed Litecoin Summit collectors NFT. But, for several reasons, the test of minting my first NFT got a bit delayed. But now I finally have the time and the need to make use of it for a larger cause. I am sad I procrastinated a little. As it would have been a great honor to be the first one to give it a try, but given my lack of technical skills to use just code to mint outside of a marketplace, waiting was a great idea since the site is super user-friendly and it's quality has improved considerably. I would say Liteverse.io is ready for the mainstream. Minting on it or acquiring an NFT on the Litecoin network is now a Piece of cake! In this article I will describe my experience, the reason why my first series of NFTs was created, and most importantly the advantages and disadvantages of creating an nft (Non-fungible To...

Bora trocar moedas de Airdrop! Let's exchange some Airdrop coins!

Se você segue meu blog, você sabe que ao longo de 2 anos eu tenho participado de muitos airdrops e bounties, ou melhor campanhas de recompensas que pagam em cripto moedas. Minha esperança era adquirir algumas moedas de criptografia que eventualmente se tornariam mais populares e, ao longo de dois anos, adquiri muitas delas, mais de 200.

O ano de 2018 foi certamente desanimador, pois vimos o fracasso de muitos projetos, mas em 2019 as perspectivas parecem bem diferentes. Muitos projetos sobreviveram ao mercado de urso e estão finalmente ganhando alguma tração. Na minha opinião, agora é hora de preparar os tokens (moedas) para a ação.

Eu certamente quero me preparar e vender algumas das alt-coins que fui adquirindo.  Neste vídeo eu usarei a troca da Kucoin exchange para mostrar todo o processo de transferência de uma airdrops token para efetuar uma venda. Espero que você goste da minha visão simples sobre negociação neste vídeo. 

Agradeço se você usar minha link de referencia para o cadastro na Kucoin:  https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=PsP7M3

If you follow my blog you guys know that over the course of 2 years I have been participating in many airdrops and bounty programs. My hope was to acquire few crypto currencies that will eventually become more popular and over the course of 2 years I acquired a lot of them, over 200. 

The year of 2018 was certainly discouraging as we saw the failure of many projects, but in 2019 the prospects are looking quite different. Many projects survived the bear market and are finally gaining some traction so now it is time to prepare those tokens for action. 

I certainly want to prep myself and sell some of the alt-coins in my bag so in this video I will use Kucoin exchange to showcase the whole process of transferring and setting an airdrop token for future sale. Hope you enjoy my simple take on trading on this video. (In Portuguese with English subtitles will record an English version soon)

Truly appreciate when you use my reference link to sign up on Kucoin: Kucoin:  https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=PsP7M3

By: Mamaecrypto


Youtube: @Mamaecrypto

Twitter: @Miximports

Facebook: @Mamaecrypto

Shop: Cryptopopup.myshopify.com



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