As one true OG Litecoin enthusiast, I wanted to test the site, or better, the NFT marketplace since its launch in 2022. At first, I claimed Litecoin Summit collectors NFT. But, for several reasons, the test of minting my first NFT got a bit delayed. But now I finally have the time and the need to make use of it for a larger cause. I am sad I procrastinated a little. As it would have been a great honor to be the first one to give it a try, but given my lack of technical skills to use just code to mint outside of a marketplace, waiting was a great idea since the site is super user-friendly and it's quality has improved considerably. I would say is ready for the mainstream. Minting on it or acquiring an NFT on the Litecoin network is now a Piece of cake! In this article I will describe my experience, the reason why my first series of NFTs was created, and most importantly the advantages and disadvantages of creating an nft (Non-fungible To...
OmniBazaar (OMNICOIN) Avaliação Projeto ICO - Cripto Moeda Mercado Virtual Descentralizado Criado no USA para Competir com Ebay
Eu estou começando esta avaliação do projeto da OminiBazaar com animação simplesmente porque agora existe uma alternativa para os mercados centralizados, como o Ebay e Mercado Livre. Ter uma opção descentralizada traz muitos benefícios para fornecedores e compradores.
É justo dizer que por anos eu me tornei uma entusiasta das cripto moedas, investidora e agora especialista. Mas antes deles existirem eu trabalhava no ramo do e-commerce e um dos meus primeiros projetos foi minha loja virtual na Ebay. Eu comecei alguns anos após o lançamento do Ebay em 2002, mas infelizmente parou de vender no site por causa da diminuição dos lucros.
O aumento gradual das taxas de venda tornou impossível tornar o produto atraente para os compradores. As novas regulamentações não permitiram que eu exibisse minhas próprias informações em meus anúncios de produtos pagos e isso impedia que eu gerasse tráfego residual para meu site. Saber que essa indústria monopolizada de mercados on-line vai ser abalada pela descentralização me faz feliz.
Projetos como o OminiBazzar oferecem aos fornecedores outra opção menos cara e menos restritiva. Oferecendo a muitos fornecedores a chance de abrir as portas novamente. Estou feliz em fazer o download do software deles e vender um pouco desse estoque que mantive por um tempo. Mas eu não estou aqui para promover minha pequena loja pessoal, estou aqui para dar uma avaliação detalhada do projeto OmniBazaar e ajudar você a entender como o Token OmniCoin será usado, seu valor e qualidades.
Como o OmniBazaar difere de outros mercados on-line, como Amazon e Ebay?
1. Verdadeiro mercado peer-to-peer - o Omni Bazaar usa moedas Crypto para eliminar o banco como intermediário. evitando altas taxas e percentuais pagas ao PayPal ou às empresas de cartão de crédito.
2. Taxas mais baixas - Por causa da descentralização, a plataforma OmniBazaar será capaz de oferecer taxas de listagem e publicidade de 90% a 100% mais baixas do que os mercados on-line de dados centrais atuais, como o Ebay ou a Amazon.
3. Porta de Entrada para a Adoção de Criptografia - Dado o preço atraente de seus serviços e a capacidade de oferecer produtos menos caros, o OmniBazaar espera servir como um portal para a adoção da criptografia, aceitando apenas pagamentos apenas em cripto moedas. A plataforma no momento aceita Bitcoin e OmniCoin
4. Velocidade de transações - capaz de processar 50.000 transações por seção, a velocidade não será um problema ao gastar ou receber OmniCoin
5. Consenso - Consenso avançado e sistemas de segurança
6. Cripto câmbio descentralizada - os investidores poderão comprar e vender moedas criptografadas na plataforma Omni
O software está pronto e já está disponível para download no site da OmniBazaar para qualquer pessoa pronta para experimentá-lo ou gostaria de comprar alguns produtos usando cripto moeda.
Funcionalidade do OmniCoin:
O OmniCoin é usado como moeda para comprar e vender produtos na plataforma OmniBazaar.
Oferta Total de OminiCoin: 25 bilhões
Soft Cap: $ 2.000.000,00 Dólares
Tampa Dura: $ 20.100.000,00 Dólares
Cronograma da Venda do Token:
Preço pré-venda: US $ 0,0015 no terceiro trimestre de 2018
Estágio de venda simbólica 1: US $ 0,002 no terceiro trimestre de 2018
Estágio de venda simbólica 2: US $ 0,0025 no quarto trimestre de 2018
Estágio de venda simbólica 3: US $ 0,003 no quarto trimestre de 2018
A equipe e sede:
Composta por 22 membros, a equipe oferece uma gama de especialistas de diferentes nacionalidades, com o objetivo de lançar este projeto em nível global. A sede deste projeto é na Flórida, Estados Unidos e o projeto segue todas as diretrizes solicitadas pelos regulamentos.
Fundação OmniCoin:
Semelhante a outras moedas virtuais, a OmniCoin fundou uma organização sem fins lucrativos. A Omni Coin Foundation, de acordo com o objetivo do site do projeto, é: “promover um ecossistema forte e aberto para o OmniCoin”
Informação adicional:
A campanha Bountysuite Exclusive OmniCoin Bounty está atualmente disponível para participar até que a cota de tokens Omnicoin seja alcançada. Quem estiver interessado em mais informações sobre o projeto OmniBazaar, confira os links abaixo.
What a fabulous week for crypto! Bitcoin went up from 16K to 21 K, and several alt-coins either started the race or followed suit. While this increase is an indication that the market is not dead. It is too soon to confirm that the bull market has returned. However, a clear indication that the market has consolidated, and volume is bound to come back. As of now, it is pivotal to stay connected with the news and understand what type of headlines can affect the market. Bankrupting exchanges, large hacks, and hikes in US Federal Reserve interest rates are among some factors that have a direct effect on how the markets behave. The shake of 2022 was real. It crashed several institutional players and with it emptying the hands of millions of retail investors. The investors that do come back will eventually "come back" more educated about self-custody and decentralized finance. Trust is built, but a greedy market comes in waves and they do not always coincide. When the market drai...
If you are reading this post, congratulations. You have survived the 2022 bear market! Happy new year to you. We may be far from another bull run, however after so much FUD the market is bound to bounce back at some point this year or the next. After significant dips, the cryptocurrency market tends to lateralize. And that's what I expect for a good part of 2023 unless we see another dip caused by macroeconomic conditions. It is just a matter of time, and patience is key during these times. On another note, after the bear market is over you will realize how many projects you felt had substance during the bull run simply disappeared. An ecosystem that expands with every bull run, and shrinks every bear run. The rate of survival is low so pick your gems wisely. For me, it is all about fundamentals. The fundamentals are security, scalability, reliability, and decentralization. How many cryptocurrencies have a good balance of them all? Not many actually! ...
As one true OG Litecoin enthusiast, I wanted to test the site, or better, the NFT marketplace since its launch in 2022. At first, I claimed Litecoin Summit collectors NFT. But, for several reasons, the test of minting my first NFT got a bit delayed. But now I finally have the time and the need to make use of it for a larger cause. I am sad I procrastinated a little. As it would have been a great honor to be the first one to give it a try, but given my lack of technical skills to use just code to mint outside of a marketplace, waiting was a great idea since the site is super user-friendly and it's quality has improved considerably. I would say is ready for the mainstream. Minting on it or acquiring an NFT on the Litecoin network is now a Piece of cake! In this article I will describe my experience, the reason why my first series of NFTs was created, and most importantly the advantages and disadvantages of creating an nft (Non-fungible To...
The options below are the products and services I use. These are platforms, apps, dapps, and softwares available in the marketplace today, that allow anyone to earn cryptocurrencies and CASH without any financial investment. FREE platforms and services that are easy, simple, and fairly safe to use, and earn. Some you probably have installed on your phone already/ Besides, the tokens and cash rewarded by these platforms can be withdrawn and/or exchanged for other cryptocurrencies, fiat money, or products. Most are also transferrable to a wallet. They are great tools to help you offset inflation. My mission is to create a passive crypto income stream with these unique applications. And I am on the course to doing just that at a steady pace. In the process, I enjoy sharing what I learn. And sharing what I learn became part of the process I guess. No matter what I enjoy the journey and have been earning Crypto Using these methods below. But despite me using these, before trying them ...
My opinions are simply my opinions and not investment advice. I strongly recommend everyone investing or looking to earn or acquire cryptocurrencies to do their own research and get very educated about risks and security before acquiring, earning or investing. The content in this blog/ website is not investment advice. Please note that this web site also features sponsored content and referral affiliate links. Which means that when you click on some links and sign up for a product or service I may receive I small commission or credit for the referral. Most the the links also will give you an invite incentive that most often you would not receive if you do not use a referral invite link.